French For Your Information Noun

The domain name info is an informative top level domain on the Domain Name System of the Internet; as the name suggests, it contains information about the registrant. Registration requirements don’t prescribe any specific use, but the name is actually derived from information about the owner. This info may include the name and address of the domain owner, as well as email addresses and dates of registration. Information about registrants is public record. Most websites also list information about the registrants at their FAQ’s or frequently asked questions pages. This info may be useful for tracking down an unknown domain owner, or for locating the contact details for an authorized user.


Some forms of info may also be called info, including enformation et al (encyclopedia), information (encyclopedia), or even informative (encyclopedia). Some French speakers may call some forms of info as gagnachons, owing to the generalisation of “info” into “general”. Many English speakers often refer to some as just information. In the context of the web, info has come to mean any site that provides general, detailed, foundational information about anything, including people, products, services and events.

In the context of the World Wide Web, the term info comes from the Latin root iurea “I know”, and elision of the articles “know” and “lie” giving rise to “informatioun” or “informed”. In English, the meaning of the phrase is “with regard to what is known”. Some examples of info are scientific and technical journals, magazine articles, and other forms of general literary works.

In informal speech, the word info has different meanings, depending on the tone and accent. Informative is that which encourages one to learn more, whereas informative is that which imparts knowledge or elaborates on that which is known. For example, to ask “Why am I seeing this tree?” rather than “Why is this tree so beautiful?” is an example of informative speech, whereas a question like “Why is the sky blue?” would be an example of informative speech.

When it comes to info, the French have provided some of the most fertile grounds for its development as a word. The source of info in French is lien “reel” “thing, motion” (as in “the river is flowing”), from which came to mean “of movement”. Other sources of info in French include terms such as faire “activity” (in the context of sports), in “year” (an event lasting a year), aveux “face” (a face with hair), avocats “armour” (armour for horse), and avocat “pants” (a pair of trousers). This is just a quick sample of the many words for which info can be derived!

Info may also be derived from other French words such as faire “action”, which means “of action” and from locale “leisure” which means “of dress”. In English, we use dress to describe attire. French, on the other hand, uses locale to describe “activity” and also lavale de grouse (dishonest dealings). Info is definitely one of the biggest contenders in the field of information et information! So, make sure you get your facts straight before unleashing your Info Cats.