The Nutritional Importance Of Foods

There are many different types of food, each having different purposes and functions in the body. Food is defined as any material consumed to supply nutrition to the organisms. Basically food is composed of plant, animal, or fungi source, and has essential nutrients, including vitamins, protein, carbohydrates, and iron. Different food types also have specific functions, such as being fat, carbohydrate, vitamin, mineral, or hormone rich. The body needs all the food types and most of the food types are energy supplying nutrients to the body.


The primary nourishment that the human body requires is carbohydrates, which are found in most foods. Carbohydrates are digested slowly by the body, requiring only a small amount of energy to reach the cells for energy and the rest is immediately stored in the bloodstream. In most cases carbohydrates are the main source of energy for daily activities.

Another primary food source is the fat molecule, which can be found in most tissues in the body. The fat molecule provides a steady stream of energy for the body. The carbohydrate molecules, on the other hand, break down into simple sugars that can be used by the body for energy. The sugar in the food provides the nutrient Vitamin D, which is needed by the body to absorb calcium, allowing the bones and teeth to strengthen and the muscles to move.

The main food source of carbohydrates is a type of sugar called starches. However, they do not provide the adequate level of macronutrients, especially calories, for a healthy diet. The good thing about search is that it does not change as much in the body as does other substances. Since starches are digested slowly, they are the preferred food for people with slow-moving, low calorie metabolisms. However, it is important to keep in mind that the type of starch you eat will affect your absorption of other nutrients. Fast-moving carbohydrates break down quickly into sugar, while slower-moving ones remain constant.

One of the richest food sources of nutritious carbohydrates is maize, which is used to make foods like maize bread, millet and tapioca starch. Aside from its rich content of minerals, the main advantage of maize is that is able to satisfy the nutritional needs of the human digestive system. Furthermore, it contains less fat and more fibre than other common carbohydrates and is also a good source of protein.

Fats, oil and grease, however, are another source of nutritional benefit. These substances are easily digested and can supply more energy to the body than carbohydrates or starches. However, fatty acids are not the best choice for increasing healthiness: the typical Western diet generally consists of too many meats, processed oils and added fats, resulting in a lack of essential fatty acids.