What Makes Fibre So Important In Our Food System?
If you think that we are all aware of the fact that food is the fuel that fuels our bodies and keeps us alive, then think again! Food is the basic need for our survival. It has taken centuries for human beings to discover what their bodies need the most, especially when it comes to their nutrition and health.
In the beginning, humans ate mostly raw fruits and vegetables. Today, we live in a fast-paced, highly refined and processed world. Although our ancestors were lucky because they could eat foods that were readily available in their environment, today’s world makes it almost impossible for us to eat the foods they used to eat, unless it is prepared in a special way and with the right nutritional properties. Hence, food is becoming more scarce. Food is no longer a source of nourishment and is now classified into three categories: carbohydrates, starches and lipids.
Carbohydrates are the main sources of energy in our body and these are usually available in the form of glucose derivatives which are converted into other forms of energy by the liver. These are the main sources of energy for the human body and maintain the normal functioning of all the organs and glands. They provide the energy needed for day-to-day activities and are present in the form of glucose in the blood, as well as other fats and proteins in our muscles and tissues. However, carbohydrates are not the only sources of energy in the body. Proteins, the main sources of energy in the body, consist of amino acids that are also stored in our muscles and tissues as glycogen.
Lipids consist of fatty substances and some minerals like vitamin A, D, E, and K. These lipids are also stored in our muscle and tissue as glycogen, and these provide the energy needed for performing all the bodily functions. However, these lipids are separated into different types such as simple sugars and complex carbohydrates that provide different amounts of nutrients to the body. Some fats can be used as an alternative source of energy if carbohydrates cannot be used due to their high calories and fatty substances.
The main challenge faced by the nutritionists during the nutritional therapy is in creating a diet menu that meets the daily requirements for humans without compromising on the consumption of carbohydrates. For instance, during the study session 2, the researchers had found that the type of carbohydrates consumed during breakfast affects the sleep pattern of children. It was found that children who consumed a rich content of carbohydrates at breakfast slept for longer hours than children who did not have a regular intake of carbohydrates before going to bed. The study further revealed that this phenomenon may be due to the presence of the neurotransmitter gamma-aminobutyric in the brain which acts on the central nervous system to control sleep and wake patterns. Other studies have revealed that the level of cholesterol in the blood increases following the consumption of a meal containing 30% of carbohydrates.
Carbohydrates help to release energy for the body which is then absorbed and used for other important activities such as repairing muscles and building up the immune system. Hence, one should always choose carbohydrates and other food products such as fibre to have an optimal level of health. Apart from that, fibre makes the absorption of other nutrients more efficient as it allows the nutrients to pass more easily through the digestive system. This is because fibre makes the food particles move faster through the stomach, decreasing the time taken for absorption. Thus, fibre serves a number of purposes in ensuring that you keep fit and healthy.